
With BlastDomains searching for your desired domain name is easier than ever before. Our Discover features offers a range of utilities as well as a intuitive approach to help you navigate the world of Web3 domains.

Enter your desired words In the search bar and receive a list of related and recommended results. This will provide you with your exact search term with a list of similar options that could catch your eye.

Furthermore, the search outcomes include both registered and unregistered domain names. Should a registered name be listed on the marketplace, you have the option to directly propose a purchase offer. If not listed, you can still make an offer. The search results also show you with comparable alternative options.

BlastDomains offers .blast name service. It presents the capability to filter search outcomes based on particular TLDs, the status of registration, domain length, and even expiration date.

BlastDomains also showcases diverse collections across various TLDs. These collections offer users an enjoyable approach to exploring a multitude of Web3 names, bypassing the necessity for individual searches and the challenge of selecting a creative and captivating domain name.

How to come up with a domain name

We gathered our best practices to help you pick a great domain name.

  1. Aim for simplicity Select an uncomplicated domain name that individuals will easily recall. Using unusual words, also known as gibberish, might lead to difficulties in spelling, and it would be unfortunate if you yourself ended up forgetting it.

  2. Have consistency Employing your username from various other social media platforms (such as Twitter, Telegram, Discord) could present the simplest method for you to transition from Web2 to Web3.

  3. Determine the optimal length While shorter domains are more memorable, if you discover that the desired domain names exceed your budget, consider appending an additional word or incorporating a few numbers at the end.

  4. Collections Take a look at BlastDomains presented collections like, "999 club", "10k club", "Countries" and many more.

Last updated