
The Platform provides a streamlined and effective method for registering domain names within the BlastDomains ecosystem, encompassing all compatible TLDs, which include, .blast name services.

To register for an unregistered Web3 Domain, first make sure your connected wallet is on the same chain as the domain you want to register. You can then start your registration process right away by searching for your desired domain and clicking the “Register” button on top right corner of the pop-up window, or click “View in full page” to be redirected to the detailed info page of the domain.

In the domain info page, all the related information will be displayed, such as past activities, character set, etc. Click “Register now” to start your registration.

The registrar requires two transactions (Request and Register) to register a name. Once you're in the 'Request' stage, select the number of years you want to register this domain for. The price will change based on how many registration years you want to add to this domain, and the total estimated price will also include the gas fee. The minimum duration for the registration period is 1 year.

Click the 'Request' button, which will prompt a transaction. It takes couple seconds to get the request confirmed. Once the request is confirmed, you can go to the registration window.

On the registration window, click on the 'Register' button to proceed. You will be prompted to pay the fee to register your domain. After the 'Register' transaction is complete, you have successfully register for a Web3 domain on BlastDomains!

Last updated